Now you too can adopt your very own river otter. Although you cannot take them home, you can help provide for their care and housing while they stay with us. Otterly's River Otter Adoption Program allows you to be the otter parent you've always wanted to be.

By symbolically adopting a river otter pup you are providing essential support for Owl's Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife. Through our Otter Cam and Otterly fantastic otter videos, you can watch the otter pups grow up until they is released back into the wild.
For your $30.00 donation (includes shipping anywhere in the contiguous USA), you will receive a River Otter Plush, Adoption Certificate and a River Otter Fact Sheet.
Please email us for details to adopt an otter pup at

*All funds received will go to where it is most urgently needed. Please be advised that regardless of the cause donated to, we will always use donations to help the animals who's circumstances are the most dire.